Sunday, February 10, 2008

Massive Turnout in Maine. Delays Start of Caucus

From Huffington Post:

Democrats and independents have arrived in droves to caucus at Cape Elizabeth High School this afternoon, delaying the start of the proceedings by more than an hour. The event is one of hundreds of its type today, as Democrats in Maine head to local caucuses a day after Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. swept contests in Louisiana, Nebraska and Washington - closing in on front-runner Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y. in the battle for the Democratic presidential nod.

Hundreds of people waited in the school's cafeteria for the proceedings to begin. Some were forced to wait at least an hour to get into the building. The caucus had been scheduled to begin at 12:30, but proceedings were getting under way at 1:40 p.m.

I'm always of the opinion that huge turnout favors Obama. Largely I feel this way because he draws grops that previously may have never participated in a caucus or rarely participated in caucuses. His supporters are similar to die hard fans of rock bands or hip hop artists who will stay in line for hours so they can get their ticket. In this case the ticket is their vote.

I'm not sure how Maine plays out but my guess is it will be close with a slight edge for Obama because of his previous success in caucuses and his string of victories last night.

Hillary Clinton needs to pray for a win tonight or the news cycle just gets worse for her.

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