Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hard Dick and Tricks


? said...

Wow, no idea what to say about this.

clnmike said...

This woman is I watched her show here in ATL, hilarious I guess there is some truth to what she is saying but man the presentation. Funny she sounds just like Gina on what about our daughters now that I think about it.

Brown Sugar said...

WOW...I think that was a low blow there clnmike. No disrespecting my fellow lady bloggers...even if they always give me a hard time.

clnmike said...

That was'nt meant as disrespect I didnt say it was her, she do sound like Gina tell me Im lying.

clnmike said...

Whe I say sound like her I meant Vocally

Brown Sugar said...

LOL. I know what you mean. I know you're not talking